“CHALLENGE 7” in Raiskums 19-26 July 2014

W4W group photo

It was time for all the members of Wings for Wheels and volunteering assistants to gather again in Raiskums to share and listen to the last tips and to be ready for welcoming the participants the next day. There were volunteers from different countries: Latvia, Estonia, Norway, the Netherlands, Armenia, Uzbekistan and Artthe USA. But – at the arrival we met an unpleasant surprise seeing that around the schoolhouse, where we had to stay, there was no access for wheelchairs to the building due to the road works. After a common prayer it was decided to go on with the initial plan and organise the camp in despite of all the inconvenience.

This summer there were 29 of the planned 30 participants. Several of them were people who take part in our camps every year, since that is their only opportunity to leave home and meet friends. But there were also quite many new participants from different places of Latvia. We were sincerely happy to get to know them and see how they enjoy the atmosphere of the camp and the program prepared for them. There is no doubt that this camp was an unforgettable adventure for them, full of new impressions and surprising discoveries.

Every day started with singing praising songs to God. After that morning exercises were done and breakfast was eaten following group physiotherapy. There were self defencelectures on different topics before lunch and afterwards there were possibilities to have individual therapy, have your hair cut and take part in craft or photography workshops. Interesting programmes were carried out after dinner. We could see an Estonian movie Clementines, hear a presentation about Uzbekistan, watch mime theatre, listen to a concert and take part in a panel discussion with members of Wings for Wheels.

When we had woken up on Sunday morning, we heard that one of the organisers, Hildegunn from Norway had been taken to the hospital in Riga in a very bad Airplanecondition. During the day it turned out that she had been put an artificial coma to relieve her pain. During the highlight of that day, when an orienteering game was carried out, at on of the control points people just prayed for Hildegunn. It seemed unbelievable, but next evening she was back with us! Although exhausted she was full of enthusiasm to organise the sports day on Tuesday.

Based on a tradition, an extreme day awaited the participants. Everybody was transported to the airport of Césis where the participants had to meet the challenge of flying in a four-seater-airplane and learn self defence techniques taught by Hildegunn. The day ended with dinner and personal testimonies of God’s appearance in our lives at the campfire.

On the last camp day, after a festive ceremony of saying thanks and filling in the feedback papers, the participants were invited to accept Jesus Christ as their saviour. Five people answered the call. We prayed for them and rejoiced together with them.

Many people were tired after the Challenge camp, but I think, that arriving back home I understood even more that it is really true – nothing is possible if God is with us.

More photos you can see here

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